手 機:18185257777
手 機:13984249608
聯系人:彭才華 先生
官 網:www.wini99.cn
Classification of organic manure by organic fertilizer manufacturers
一、氮肥 氮肥也稱葉肥,(人糞尿、家禽畜糞)
A nitrogenous fertilizer, also known as leaf fertilizer (human excrement, poultry dung)
二、磷肥 磷肥也稱果肥(米糠、骨粉、雞糞)
Two. Phosphate fertilizer is also known as fruit fertilizer (rice bran, bone meal, chicken manure)
三、鉀肥 鉀肥也稱根肥(草木灰等) 1、自制氮肥:利用不能食用的豆類、花生、瓜子等油料作物,煮爛,使其發酵。 將變質不能食用的花生米、豆類、麻醬等,煮爛裝入壇內或備制的容器內,如果沒有容器可以選擇黑色的塑料袋,加滿水,密封漚制,在夏季經半個月即可舀取上層肥水施用。其沉渣可作基肥,在花卉上盆時施用。 2、自制磷肥:魚肚腸、骨頭、下水、雞鴨毛腐熟。 將吃剩下的雞蛋殼、獸蹄甲、魚肚腸、魚頭、雞毛、獸骨及人們剪下的頭發、指甲等,倒入壇內加水封嚴,經過一段時間的腐爛發酵,當肥液變黑即可摻水施用。其沉渣也可作基肥。 將喝剩下來的牛奶、豆漿、或從蛋殼上洗下來的蛋清,用水沖淡后直接澆入花盆里,也是營養豐富的好肥料。但須注意,如不加水稀釋而直接施用,或者將殘留有蛋清的蛋殼倒扣在盆土上,不僅其養分花卉不易吸收,而且盆土還易滋生蛆蟲,甚至還可能因濃度過大而燒根。 3、自制鉀肥:淘米水、泔水、剩茶水、草木灰放在一起發酵。
Three, potash potash fertilizer is also known as root fertilizer (grass and ash, etc.) 1, homemade nitrogen fertilizer: make use of beans, peanuts, melon seeds and other oil crops that can not be eaten, boil it and make it fermented. The spoils can not eat peanuts, beans, sesame, cooked into the altar or prepared container, if no container can choose black plastic bags, filled with water, seal retting, half a month can be a fertilizer application in the summer after the upper. The sediment can be used as base fertilizer, in the flower pot application. 2, homemade fish intestines, phosphate bone, water, hair and maturity. Will eat the rest of the egg shell, animal hoof, fish intestines, head, feathers, animal bones and people cut hair and nails, poured into the jar with water seal, after a period of decay when fermentation liquid fertilizer can be applied to black water. The sediment also can be used as base fertilizer. Drink the remaining milk, soya bean milk, or the egg whites washed from the eggshell, and then pour the water into the flowerpot directly. It is also a good nutrient rich fertilizer. It should be noted, if not diluted with water and applied directly, or the residual egg shells down on the pot, not only its flower is not easy to absorb nutrients, and soil also easy to breed maggots, even may be due to excessive concentration and burn. 3, homemade fertilizer: rice water, swill, leftover tea and plant ash together fermentation.
Fermented rice water, bean sprouts, water, wash bottles water, goldfish water and ash water, contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, convenient health, appropriate application, can promote the growth of potted flowers. The organic fertilizer manufacturers are here today, and if there is anything else that you don't know, we can come to our company to understand the situation.